What goes up…must come down.
We’ve all heard this before. In fact, you probably could have finished the sentence on your own. A basic lesson in gravity.
Luckily, this isn’t true for personal performance. You work hard to reach a professional peak, struggle along the way, perhaps even have moments when you feel like giving up, but don’t. Then, at some point, you realize you’ve achieved something you didn’t think you could. You’ve challenged yourself and met the challenge. How rewarding and exhilarating this can be. Now what? A fall? No way.
Reaching a peak gives you a new vantage point, showing you new places you can go, new challenges you can take on, new peaks you can strive for. Your potential and what you can achieve look different. Your confidence and self-esteem are boosted by your success. New peaks look possible. Keep climbing.
So, how do you reach a peak? It doesn’t happen by accident.
First, set a goal that you’re truly motivated to achieve. Motivation will carry you through the bumps you’re likely to encounter.
Then, expand your thinking and stretch your skills so you can reach the goal. Take advantage of the abundance of learning tools available. Read articles, watch videos, complete courses and get advice from a mentor. (Notice I said “and” rather than “or”. Take in as much information as you can from all the resources available to you.) Adopt or adapt the ideas that work for you.
Seek out people who can support you. Find a coach to guide you along the way. It’s easier and more enjoyable to climb with others.
Most importantly, take lots of steps large and small. With each step, hone your skills and let experience be your teacher.
Working hard to reach new peaks can be exhausting. It’s also what makes success taste so good.